Playtime On/Off Campus
As parents and young adults across the nation prepare for Homecoming, the Fall Formal, Ski Week, Spring Break, and Prom, they hope and pray their children will be safe.
Safe from assaults, drunk driving, accidental or intentional drug overdose, gunshots, and arrest.
A Parents Worst Nightmare
Where are they? What are they doing? Who are they with? Will they come home safe?
There’s a longer list, I’m sure, but this is what I worried about with my girls when they were in high school. By college age, they were more aware and savvier than I ever was but the picture I had in my mind was terrifying.
My Dad put a dime in my shoe so I could call him from a payphone. As ancient as that sounds, it illustrates the safety concerns parents and families worldwide have had and still have for their teens.
Festivals, raves, and concerts are amazing places to enjoy great music with friends. Alcohol, excessive alcohol use and group ‘think’ often go hand and hand with assault. Some law firms specializing in those assault cases count alcohol and ‘group think’ as the #1 cause of a Rape Culture in Universities. Often, it’s the same guys who get away with assault due to the ‘boys club’ culture of fraternities. All that at a school with lax oversight and follow through leads to nothing good. Things might be changing in your child’s school to protect students but it’s essential that safety starts with you/her/him/they no matter what school is attended.
“From California to the New York Island. From the redwood forests to the Gulf Stream Waters” - Woody Guthry
Our children will party and have fun. It’s human nature to gather and let loose but at the same time, we need to realize it’s part of some people’s nature to hunt the vulnerable.
Know the names and phone numbers of three people at the party and three people away from the party that you trust to help you if you need to get away from a bad situation or support you if you experience or witness violence.
Know at least one easily accessible area where you can get away from a bad situation as it arises.
Also, find out if pepper spray is allowed on your child’s campus and train them to safely use it in different circumstances.
Generally, prepare adequately for the event. Pack snacks, charge your phone 100%, and bring a portable charger and cord. Make sure your car keys are attached to your clothing or backpack.
And know the closest emergency clinic or hospital and police station.
The dime in my shoe worked when I thwarted a rape one rainy night at a drive-in movie. Abandoned, traumatized, wet, dripping, disheveled, and shivering, I called my Dad with that dime. He came as fast as he could. It was an indescribable relief to see our family car sliding to a halt in front of me as the passenger door swung open and Dad’s booming voice said, “Get in sweetheart.” No action thriller can match the drama of that rescue.
There is nothing like knowing you have support from people who have your back.
Rainn has some very good resources for parents, secondary and college students to look into how to stay safe on and off campus.
Safe OUTside the System (SOS) Collective was developed for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Two Spirit, Trans, and Gender Non-Conforming people of color. We are devoted to challenging hate and police violence by using community-based strategies rather than relying on the police. Download the Safe Party Tool Kit
RAINN is the largest anti-sexual violence organization in the nation. Since 1994, we have supported more than 4 million people through victim services. Every day, these services — such as the National Sexual Assault Hotline — help 800 people!
None of these ideas are foolproof but if being prepared to be safe can prevent one less assault, injury, or disappearance, it’s worth the effort. So take action now to increase the safety of those you love and care about.
YOU can take a stand for the safety of college students by giving to RAINN today.
You’ll want to add your name to the OSV Mailing List at
Stay informed, read some of our most popular Blogs, and buy the book Our Silent Voice: Break the Silence at www.oursilentvoice/books.
Stay aware, think ahead, make sure your car is serviced and full of fuel, know who loves and supports you then, go forward!
Have fun and know that OSV has your back.